Fair Clinical Values Start Here
Tools and provider-driven data for establishing, defending, and negotiating fees for medical procedures
We need your knowledge and experience
Let your voice be heard
You can play an important role in ensuring accurate Relative Value Units (RVUs).
Help us improve future relative value sets by completing our survey. We add your responses to our data so we can continue to provide independent, provider-driven RVUs.
Our Products
To enhance delivery of our information, we have partnered with Optum 360 to distribute our data.
The buttons below will take you to our products on Optum 360’s website.
To order products prior to 2015, please contact us.
Key Features and Benefits
Relative values are based on clinical work.
Scale is based on provider survey data, free from government or payer influence.
RVUs are developed based on services that are similar.
Values for nearly all codes are included to help determine fees.
Easy, step-by-step instructions for practice management: Set your fees, analyze contracts, and perform cost, profitability, & productivity analyses.
For Physicians
Relative Values for Physicians is a comprehensive data file to assist in the development of fair and defensible fees.
For Dentists
Relative Values for Dentists is a comprehensive CDT® based data file to assist in the development of fair and defensible fees.
Includes values for some CPT® codes applicable to dental services.
The Complete RBRVS
Key Features and Benefits
Includes Gap Codes for complete fee schedule development.
RVUs are developed through RVSI’s physician survey data.
Medicare payment indicators, surgical assistant indicators, and other data commonly used for Medicare and commercial reimbursement are included.
Values for CPT® and HCPCS codes.
Total values and components for each code including work, malpractice, practice expense, and total RVUs.
Additional Tools
Developed with the help of RVSI, the updated Evaluation & Management pocket card and wall chart are available through Physician Reimbursement Systems Network (PRS Network)
The button below will take you to the PRS Network Website.