We seek to help providers get fair relative values based on data, and our data sets are developed with the help of experts - physicians and dentists like you!

If you have ever felt that relative values are unfair or out of your control, you can share your expertise to generate independent, accurate, relational values.

With your National Provider Identification Number (NPI), you can participate by filling out a survey. Please take this opportunity to incorporate your experience and knowledge into our relative values.

~ The Process ~

The relative values developed by ©Relative Value Studies, Inc. (RVSI) are based on a survey process, using five criteria to judge practice resources in order to establish relative value units:

  • time required,

  • skill required,

  • risk to the patient,

  • risk to the provider,

  • and severity of the problem (e.g. emergent, acute, chronic, etc.).

The criteria are not weighted, as this could skew the relative value. For example, if time were limited to only ten percent of the final value, lengthy procedures could be undervalued. Surveys and independent sources used by RVSI show that practitioners are consistent in their assessment of relative value when they consider all five criteria. Practical experience is the best measure in evaluating the services and procedures health care providers frequently perform and/or feel qualified to evaluate.


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